Am I in a Cyclonic Region?

We have certified our shade sheds to suit all cyclonic regions across australia!
find out today if you are in a cyclonic region

How to know if you are in a cyclonic region?

Australia is divided into four regions based on the different types of windstorms that are common to that area.

Below depicts the different wind regions within Australia.

australia cyclonic regions

Wind Region A includes the southern coastal and inland areas of Australia
Wind Region B includes the northern coastal areas of Australia
Wind Region C includes the Tropical Cyclone prone areas of Australia
Wind Region D is the only area of Australia that is Severe Tropical Cyclone prone

The Importance of Knowing When Purchasing a Shade Shed

As most of our customers purchase their Shade Shed to protect their precious assets, you want to ensure that it will withstand the elements all year round.

At Transportable Shade Sheds, we have certified our Shade Sheds to suit all regions across Australia.

If you are currently in the market for protecting your precious assets or don’t know if you are in a cyclonic region contact our team on 1300 667 433 or send us an email.

We’ve got you covered!


Transportable Shade Sheds Providing you with the peace of mind that your family and precious assets are protected all year round.